Chapter 5 – HE LIVED FOR YOU 
Many years back, I worked with a really sharp, articulate young man named Wayne. Tall, witty, good-looking, maybe 23 or so, Wayne was a youth leader at a fundamentalist Bible church in a nearby suburb.

Wayne and I thoroughly enjoyed engaging daily in “depthy” Biblical discussions, that were invariably jam-packed with analysis and commentary drawn from our own personal studies and life-experiences.  One afternoon, the topic-du-jour centered on the dual aspects of mankind’s sin-and-death dilemma. We agreed it’s a two-headed quandary, in that …

1)   … according to Scripture, we are corrupt to our very nature.  Man is under the condemnation of GOD’s Law of Sin-and-Death, and the wages of sin is death.  (Romans 3:23)   That’s the first hurdle.

2)   … our entrance into GOD’s Kingdom requires righteousness, of which the Bible certifies we possess zero!  “There is none righteous, not one.” (Romans 3:10)   We have two separate, distinct problems.

Suppose over an extended period of time I manage to run amok with my credit card, piling up a debt-load that far-exceeds my account limit, and I subsequently find myself mired in an abysmal, fiscal funk.  However, my kindly Uncle Ed’s compassion for his wayward nephew compels him to pay off my entire balance, clearing me of my financial liability!  Now, I want to buy a car, but my loan application is briskly turned down. I appeal to my potential creditor that I’m debt-free, but the lender reminds me that, although I no longer have any financial obligations, my history of reckless spending and delinquent payments has totally trashed my credit profile[DU1] .

Uncle Ed has so graciously paid off my monstrous debt, but I still don’t possess even a minimally-acceptable credit score, which is an absolute necessity for any future credit.  Do you see the double trouble?

Here’s the set-up: The first part of man’s predicament was laid to rest at the Cross.  Our sin-debt was paid in full through the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.  It’s free and readily available for “whosoever shall” to claim it. (Romans 10:13)   Garbed in Adam’s humanity, and carrying man’s sin baggage, Jesus went to Judgment at Calvary, where He received in His flesh the full wages of our sin – wages the Bible terms “the Second Death” (Revelation 21:8)  Jesus experienced in our place that “eternal-separation” death, and His Judgment is freely imputed, or credited, to the account of any and all who will accept Him as their own personal Savior.

When you receive Jesus, GOD declares you dead with Him, whereby your sin debt is paid in full.  Humanity was put to death in the person of Jesus, and those who accept the gift of the Crucified Redeemer, the “Lamb Slain”, become “overcomers” with Him.  Those claims of the Law of Sin and Death have been fully satisfied, because your flesh was judged in Christ at Calvary. (2 Corinthians 5:14)   Paul rejoices in Romans 8:1 that there’s no longer any condemnation to you, because you’re made free in Christ!

However, there looms largely that second aspect of man’s double-barreled quandary, which is that GOD requires righteousness as our fitness for citizenship in His Eternity.  It’s that plight which centers on our dire dearth of righteousness that’s the topic on the table now.

Around the time of “Y2K” and the roll-over to the 21st Century, I saw in my morning newspaper the obituary of a woman whose three grade-school girls regularly sat with me in church, more than twenty years prior to that.  Out of respect for these young ladies, whom I calculated had to be in their mid-twenties by then, I knew I needed to be present at their mother’s funeral, even though they may not even know me, after such a long time.

When I arrived at the funeral parlor, I observed that two of the young women were engaged in conversation with guests, but the third one spotted me.  She recognized this old bird post-haste, came over to me, and greeted me warmly.  She thanked me for remembering them, and then, pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, she stated quietly, “I know that Jesus died for my mom, and that He paid for her sins; but I don’t know about her going to heaven, because my mother led an awfully rough life.”

As she concluded, I silently appealed to my Heavenly Father, “How do you want me to respond to this?”  I praise the One Who supplies all our needs for the prompting of His Spirit, which enabled me to reply with wisdom far beyond my own!  Gently I said to her, “Jesus not only died  for your Mom, but He also lived  for her.  And when we receive Him as our Savior, then His life of righteousness stands in the stead of our own life’s record.  You can rest in the assurance that the LORD will be merciful, and will judge your mother by the merits and attributes of her Righteous Savior, Jesus.”

If you take Jesus as your personal LORD and Savior, then not only is His Judgment death imputed to you, but His righteous life becomes your passport and title to eternal life in His Kingdom. Jesus is the literal fulfillment of GOD’s purposes for your life, which He accomplished while wearing your humanness, and carrying the weight of your sin burden.

Some time back, I heard a veteran Baptist preacher sum it up like this: “Upon a life I never lived, and upon a death I never died; but on the righteous life of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and on His death on the Cross of Calvary, I hang my eternity.”  We’ll put you in the driver’s seat: On a life you never lived, and on a death you never died; but on the righteous life of your Savior, Jesus Christ, and on His death on the Cross of Calvary, depend your eternity.  He died for you, indeed!  But completing the full circle of your Salvation is the blessed fact that He lived for you.  Here’s how that works:

GOD’s Redemption Plan is predicated on the “all in One” principle.  A fitting example would be a legal class-action. In the typical class-action, a designated advocate will stand before the judgment bar on behalf of an entire group, or class, of individuals. Those who comprise the class are afforded the opportunity to choose to take part in the action, or they may decline active participation.  The advocate will speak and act on behalf of the whole class.  Legally, he is “them”, and legally, the entire class is standing before the bar “in him” throughout the whole action.

Question: If the attorney representing the class should win judgment in their favor, will everyone in the entire class benefit from his victory?  That answer is: Not necessarily.  Why not?  Because more than likely not everyone in the class will elect to participate, for a litany of reasons, such as: there’s probably a catch!  I don’t have the time!  it’s just pie in the sky! and so on.  The end of the matter is that only those who opt to take part in this class-action will have the legal right to partake in any resulting benefits.

Question: If every individual in that class should choose to participate in the action, would it be necessary for their representative to return to court for further litigation?  No, because if he wins the case, he wins judgment for every participating individual in the class, and they will share the benefits.

Our Advocate, Jesus Christ, took His sinless life, His shed blood, and His death on the Cross to Heaven’s Judgment Bar on behalf of the entire class of Adam’s fallen race, and emerged victorious!   Clad in corporate human flesh, and bearing the weight of man’s guilt-load, Jesus once and for all gained the victory for fallen man. (Hebrews 9:28, 10:12) (1 Peter 3:18)  So, will every person who has ever drawn breath benefit from His victory? Tragically, that answer is No!   And the reason?  Because, not everyone has chosen, or will ever choose, to participate in His cosmic class-action.

Last question: If, by some astounding miracle, every living soul on earth should say, “LORD, count me in!”, would Jesus have to go back to Calvary and shed any more of His precious blood?  Of course not!  Why not? Because His righteous life and His Judgment death were, and still are, sufficient for every human being who has ever borrowed life from His Maker.

Christ’s victory is for all, and it’s for all-time. And every soul who opts “in” is made alive in Jesus through their abiding in Him.  (I Corinthians 15:22).  He won the class-action for you, accomplishing it in your flesh!  What makes Jesus’ victory even more incredible is that it’s a completed fact, a done-deal!  It’s past-tense, it’s history, plus it’s a no-brainer!  Think this one through: You’re invited, after the fact, knowing full-well, right up-front, that you’ll be on the Victor’s side, sharing in His eternal benefits.  And all that’s required of you now is to “opt in” on Jesus’ completed class-action!

However, sadly, not all will claim their victory. Some will simply let it pass.  What will you do with His righteous life’s “resume”, which He willingly offers to credit to you in exchange for your own life history?

The two-fold remedy for mankind’s tandem dilemma lies right here:

1)   The terminal state of our sin problem was resolved by Christ at the Cross!  It’s likely you’ve been hearing this perhaps since childhood!  But have you claimed it and made it yours?  If you haven’t, take a moment to bow your head and do that right now, in all earnestness!

2)   Then there’s our shortfall, our utter lack of righteousness.  GOD tells us through the prophet Isaiah that all our righteousness is like filthy rags, or dirty laundry, (Isaiah 64:6)  and what we so desperately need is to be clothed in the crisp, clean, pure, white linen Robe of Christ’s Righteousness, which He bestows on us. (Revelation 19:8)  His Robe becomes our possession when we give Him our soiled garments, and humbly yield to Him.  It is this Righteousness of the Savior that outfits and qualifies us for never-ending life in Our Father’s House!

“Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;

Father, impute His life unto me.

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whiter than snow.”

(“Look Upon Jesus” – composer:  F.E. Belden)

The Apostle Paul frames it in these words: “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to GOD through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved by His life,” (Romans 5:10)  Yes, He died for you, but know for certain that He lived His exemplary life for you, as well.  He’ll trade His righteousness for your sinfulness; His obedience, His faithfulness, His life’s record in exchange for yours!

Now, let’s crank it up a notch. We’ve learned from Jesus’ declaration in John 17:3 that knowing the Godhead is the very key to life.  GOD’s desire is that we know Him, and grow daily in His Son.  For what purpose?

Having lived for you, Jesus’ now wants to live in you through His abiding Spirit.  He wants to restore in you the image of GOD, in which Adam was first created.  Jesus is your Living Example (1 Peter 2:21-23), the “express image of His Father.” (Hebrews 1:3)   For this reason, GOD desires to give you a new heart, which will enable and empower you to walk in His ways and obey His precepts.  Here it is: “A new heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh.  And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My Statutes, and you shall keep My Judgments, and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:26, 27)

His ultimate plan is to flesh-out in you His righteous character and others-centered, agape love.  He’ll reproduce in you the life once lived by Jesus, when He “wore you”. GOD wants His actions, His words, His motives, His purposes to be lived out through you!  This is His wonderful process of sanctification: Christ’s life replicated in you through the power of His abiding Spirit!   It’s what Paul refers to as the Mystery of GOD, “… which is Christ in you.” (Colossians 1:26, 27)

Speaking of the Final Judgment, Jesus vows in Matthew 10:32, “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in Heaven.”  That’s your Divine Attorney’s sacred commitment to present your case before the Father, and plead His righteous life as yours!

It’s been said: “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!”  Are you willing to enter Heaven’s “witness protection program” for Jesus’?  If you’re not ashamed to acknowledge Him, to testify of His worthiness, to confess that He indeed lived His life for you, and stood Judgment for you, then in cyber-terms Jesus will delete your past, wipe your hard-drive pristine-clean, and download to your account in Heaven His own pure life-record, just as though you had actually walked it yourself!  He lived for you, because He loves you with His everlasting agape love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

If you haven’t yet taken possession of the wondrous gift of His victorious life, you’ll want to make that commitment today, and then renew it tomorrow when you awake, and then do that every day until the Trumpet sounds and Jesus descends from on high in power and glory, with His ten-thousand times ten-thousand, and thousands and thousands of His feathery angels!

Almighty GOD in Heaven – I thank You for the pure, white, linen Robe of the Righteousness of Your Son, Jesus, which you’ve bestowed upon me; and for His complete and glorious life, which He lived in my place, earning for me everlasting life in Your Kingdom.  In His wonderful name I pray.  – Amen

[DU1] A ;

a two-headed quandary, in that …

  • … according to Scripture, we are corrupt to our very nature. Man is under the condemnation of GOD’s Law of Sin-and-Death, and the wages of sin is  (Romans 3:23)   That’s the first hurdle.
  • … our entrance into GOD’s Kingdom requires righteousness, of which the Bible certifies we possess zero! “There is none righteous, not one.” (Romans 3:10)   We have two separate, distinct problems.

Suppose over an extended period of time I manage to run amok with my credit card, piling up a debt-load that far-exceeds my account limit, and I subsequently find myself mired in an abysmal, fiscal funk.  However, my kindly Uncle Ed’s compassion for his wayward nephew compels him to pay off my entire balance, clearing me of my financial liability!  Now, I want to buy a car, but my loan application is briskly turned down. I appeal to my potential creditor that I’m debt-free, but the lender reminds me that, although I no longer have any financial obligations, my history of reckless spending and delinquent payments has totally trashed my credit profile.

Uncle Ed has so graciously paid off my monstrous debt, but I still don’t possess even a minimally-acceptable credit score, which is an absolute necessity for any future credit.  Do you see the double trouble?

Here’s the set-up: The first part of man’s predicament was laid to rest at the Cross.  Our sin-debt was paid in full through the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.  It’s free and readily available for “whosoever shall” to claim it. (Romans 10:13)   Garbed in Adam’s humanity, and carrying man’s sin baggage, Jesus went to Judgment at Calvary, where He received in His flesh the full wages of our sin – wages the Bible terms “the Second Death” (Revelation 21:8)  Jesus experienced in our place that “eternal-separation” death, and His Judgment is freely imputed, or credited, to the account of any and all who will accept Him as their own personal Savior.

When you receive Jesus, GOD declares you dead with Him, whereby your sin debt is paid in full.  Humanity was put to death in the person of Jesus, and those who accept the gift of the Crucified Redeemer, the “Lamb Slain”, become “overcomers” with Him.  Those claims of the Law of Sin and Death have been fully satisfied, because your flesh was judged in Christ at Calvary. (2 Corinthians 5:14)   Paul rejoices in Romans 8:1 that there’s no longer any condemnation to you, because you’re made free in Christ!

However, there looms largely that second aspect of man’s double-barreled quandary, which is that GOD requires righteousness as our fitness for citizenship in His Eternity.  It’s that plight which centers on our dire dearth of righteousness that’s the topic on the table now.

Around the time of “Y2K” and the roll-over to the 21st Century, I saw in my morning newspaper the obituary of a woman whose three grade-school girls regularly sat with me in church, more than twenty years prior to that.  Out of respect for these young ladies, whom I calculated had to be in their mid-twenties by then, I knew I needed to be present at their mother’s funeral, even though they may not even know me, after such a long time.

When I arrived at the funeral parlor, I observed that two of the young women were engaged in conversation with guests, but the third one spotted me.  She recognized this old bird post-haste, came over to me, and greeted me warmly.  She thanked me for remembering them, and then, pausing a moment to gather her thoughts, she stated quietly, “I know that Jesus died for my mom, and that He paid for her sins; but I don’t know about her going to heaven, because my mother led an awfully rough life.”

As she concluded, I silently appealed to my Heavenly Father, “How do you want me to respond to this?”  I praise the One Who supplies all our needs for the prompting of His Spirit, which enabled me to reply with wisdom far beyond my own!  Gently I said to her, “Jesus not only died  for your Mom, but He also lived  for her.  And when we receive Him as our Savior, then His life of righteousness stands in the stead of our own life’s record.  You can rest in the assurance that the LORD will be merciful, and will judge your mother by the merits and attributes of her Righteous Savior, Jesus.”

If you take Jesus as your personal LORD and Savior, then not only is His Judgment death imputed to you, but His righteous life becomes your passport and title to eternal life in His Kingdom. Jesus is the literal fulfillment of GOD’s purposes for your life, which He accomplished while wearing your humanness, and carrying the weight of your sin burden.

Some time back, I heard a veteran Baptist preacher sum it up like this: “Upon a life I never lived, and upon a death I never died; but on the righteous life of my Savior, Jesus Christ, and on His death on the Cross of Calvary, I hang my eternity.”  We’ll put you in the driver’s seat: On a life you never lived, and on a death you never died; but on the righteous life of your Savior, Jesus Christ, and on His death on the Cross of Calvary, depend your eternity.  He died for you, indeed!  But completing the full circle of your Salvation is the blessed fact that He lived for you.  Here’s how that works:

GOD’s Redemption Plan is predicated on the all in One” principle.  A fitting example would be a legal class-action. In the typical class-action, a designated advocate will stand before the judgment bar on behalf of an entire group, or class, of individuals. Those who comprise the class are afforded the opportunity to choose to take part in the action, or they may decline active participation.  The advocate will speak and act on behalf of the whole class.  Legally, he is “them”, and legally, the entire class is standing before the bar “in him” throughout the whole action.

Question: If the attorney representing the class should win judgment in their favor, will everyone in the entire class benefit from his victory?  That answer is: Not necessarily.  Why not?  Because more than likely not everyone in the class will elect to participate, for a litany of reasons, such as: there’s probably a catch!  I don’t have the time!  it’s just pie in the sky! and so on.  The end of the matter is that only those who opt to take part in this class-action will have the legal right to partake in any resulting benefits.

Question: If every individual in that class should choose to participate in the action, would it be necessary for their representative to return to court for further litigation?  No, because if he wins the case, he wins judgment for every participating individual in the class, and they will share the benefits.

Our Advocate, Jesus Christ, took His sinless life, His shed blood, and His death on the Cross to Heaven’s Judgment Bar on behalf of the entire class of Adam’s fallen race, and emerged victorious!   Clad in corporate human flesh, and bearing the weight of man’s guilt-load, Jesus once and for all gained the victory for fallen man. (Hebrews 9:28, 10:12) (1 Peter 3:18)  So, will every person who has ever drawn breath benefit from His victory? Tragically, that answer is No!   And the reason?  Because, not everyone has chosen, or will ever choose, to participate in His cosmic class-action.

Last question: If, by some astounding miracle, every living soul on earth should say, “LORD, count me in!”, would Jesus have to go back to Calvary and shed any more of His precious blood?  Of course not!  Why not? Because His righteous life and His Judgment death were, and still are, sufficient for every human being who has ever borrowed life from His Maker.

Christ’s victory is for all, and it’s for all-time. And every soul who opts “in” is made alive in Jesus through their abiding in Him.  (I Corinthians 15:22).  He won the class-action for you, accomplishing it in your flesh!  What makes Jesus’ victory even more incredible is that it’s a completed fact, a done-deal!  It’s past-tense, it’s history, plus it’s a no-brainer!  Think this one through: You’re invited, after the fact, knowing full-well, right up-front, that you’ll be on the Victor’s side, sharing in His eternal benefits.  And all that’s required of you now is to “opt in” on Jesus’ completed class-action!

However, sadly, not all will claim their victory. Some will simply let it pass.  What will you do with His righteous life’s “resume”, which He willingly offers to credit to you in exchange for your own life history?

The two-fold remedy for mankind’s tandem dilemma lies right here:

  • The terminal state of our sin problem was resolved by Christ at the Cross! It’s likely you’ve been hearing this perhaps since childhood!  But have you claimed it and made it yours?  If you haven’t, take a moment to bow your head and do that right now, in all earnestness!
  • Then there’s our shortfall, our utter lack of righteousness. GOD tells us through the prophet Isaiah that all our righteousness is like filthy rags, or dirty laundry, (Isaiah 64:6)  and what we so desperately need is to be clothed in the crisp, clean, pure, white linen Robe of Christ’s Righteousness, which He bestows on us. (Revelation 19:8)  His Robe becomes our possession when we give Him our soiled garments, and humbly yield to Him.  It is this Righteousness of the Savior that outfits and qualifies us for never-ending life in Our Father’s House!

“Look upon Jesus, sinless is He;

Father, impute His life unto me.

My life of scarlet, my sin and woe,

Cover with His life, whiter than snow.”

(“Look Upon Jesus” – composer:  F.E. Belden)

The Apostle Paul frames it in these words: “For if when we were enemies we were reconciled to GOD through the death of His Son, much more, having been reconciled, shall we be saved by His life,” (Romans 5:10)  Yes, He died for you, but know for certain that He lived His exemplary life for you, as well.  He’ll trade His righteousness for your sinfulness; His obedience, His faithfulness, His life’s record in exchange for yours!

Now, let’s crank it up a notch. We’ve learned from Jesus’ declaration in John 17:3 that knowing the Godhead is the very key to life.  GOD’s desire is that we know Him, and grow daily in His Son.  For what purpose?

Having lived for you, Jesus’ now wants to live in you through His abiding Spirit.  He wants to restore in you the image of GOD, in which Adam was first created.  Jesus is your Living Example (1 Peter 2:21-23), the “express image of His Father.” (Hebrews 1:3)   For this reason, GOD desires to give you a new heart, which will enable and empower you to walk in His ways and obey His precepts.  Here it is: “A new heart will I give you, and a new Spirit will I put within you; and I will take away the stony heart out of your flesh.  And I will put My Spirit within you, and cause you to walk in My Statutes, and you shall keep My Judgments, and do them.” (Ezekiel 36:26, 27)

His ultimate plan is to flesh-out in you His righteous character and others-centered, agape love.  He’ll reproduce in you the life once lived by Jesus, when He “wore you”. GOD wants His actions, His words, His motives, His purposes to be lived out through you!  This is His wonderful process of sanctification: Christ’s life replicated in you through the power of His abiding Spirit!   It’s what Paul refers to as the Mystery of GOD, “… which is Christ in you.” (Colossians 1:26, 27)

Speaking of the Final Judgment, Jesus vows in Matthew 10:32, “Whoever acknowledges Me before men, I will also acknowledge him before My Father in Heaven.”  That’s your Divine Attorney’s sacred commitment to present your case before the Father, and plead His righteous life as yours!

 It’s been said: “Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future!”  Are you willing to enter Heaven’s “witness protection program” for Jesus’?  If you’re not ashamed to acknowledge Him, to testify of His worthiness, to confess that He indeed lived His life for you, and stood Judgment for you, then in cyber-terms Jesus will delete your past, wipe your hard-drive pristine-clean, and download to your account in Heaven His own pure life-record, just as though you had actually walked it yourself!  He lived for you, because He loves you with His everlasting agape love. (Jeremiah 31:3)

If you haven’t yet taken possession of the wondrous gift of His victorious life, you’ll want to make that commitment today, and then renew it tomorrow when you awake, and then do that every day until the Trumpet sounds and Jesus descends from on high in power and glory, with His ten-thousand times ten-thousand, and thousands and thousands of His feathery angels!

 Almighty GOD in Heaven – I thank You for the pure, white, linen Robe of the Righteousness of Your Son, Jesus, which you’ve bestowed upon me; and for His complete and glorious life, which He lived in my place, earning for me everlasting life in Your Kingdom.  In His wonderful name I pray.  – Amen