Some may possess the ability to teach an old dog a new trick.  But our Creator is able to quicken the coldest heart, infuse fresh life, and re-route the eternal destiny of one who may seem so distant from Him.   I can still see her hitching up her britches, cigarette dangling from a mouth that could make a sailor blush.  Gnarly and brassy, with a ferocious “don’t tread on me” persona, she knew how to rumble.  Known by friend and foe as “Mickie”, I just knew her as “Mother”.

We seldom had two nickels to clink together, but Mickie’s guard-dog tenacity enabled her to manage as well as could be expected of a single mom in the 1940’s.  Most Sundays, we could be found in church, but the remaining six days God’s name was used primarily to punctuate conversation.  But, unknown to either of us, those long-ago, far-away visits to the House of the only Father I ever knew had quietly laid the foundation for a far-more-incredible comeback than even those 2004 Boston Red Sox could  ever  have imagined!

A generation later, Mickie had retired and was living alone.  I had finally found my way into God’s fold,  and that only through His amazing grace.  I was spending nearly every Friday evening visiting with her, sharing supper and fond memories.  But the time I treasured most was spent sharing newly-discovered Bible passages and the wonderful truths they contained.  Exploring the Scriptures together carved new facets into our relationship, as my Mom became my “Gospel Buddy”!   It was then that it dawned on me … that my mother was … my Sister in Christ!

One Friday, Mickie revealed to me a fear that had been gnawing at her since she was a little girl.  Based on a common misunderstanding of the true character of our God, it continued to haunt her in her twilight years.  I listened intently and did my best to comfort her, but I knew that only through His power could her fear be laid to rest.

New Earth Band CD Inside RH pkt pnl

That next Friday, I returned with 14, perhaps 15, Bible texts, which I had prayerfully gleaned during my own studies, and handwritten on a sheet of paper, on the subject that still struck so much terror into her now frail heart.  Before leaving that night, I hung the page on her refrigerator, which she always referred to as “the bulletin board”, and I said to her, “When you study your Bible, take a look at these passages and see if you

won’t feel much better about the goodness and kindness of the God we serve.”  I am thoroughly convinced that this was  the  incident which once-and-for-all dismissed Mickie’s fear, and jump-started her voracious hunger for God’s Word.

As she “mined” her Scriptures several hours each day, Mickie began to take on a startling quality of refinement.  The cigarette that once dangled from her mouth vanished, and the lips that could embarrass a bartender learned to praise their Maker.  That bold brassiness gradually yielded to a softer, sweeter demeanor, prompting my wife to quip more than once, “Are you sure this is your Mother?”  Ah, yes, but does not Scripture teach that by beholding  we become changed?  And why are we so surprised when His Word delivers what it has promised?

It was about this time that Mickie carefully wrote in the flyleaf of her favorite Bible, “My aim is to be able to say, as the Apostle Paul said, ‘I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith'”   (II Timothy 4:7).

Mickie continued her numerous Bible studies and soon began attending church regularly with us.  And, before the year’s end, she went down joyously into the waters of baptism, and arose officially God’s New Creation, at the tender age of 82!

Mickie celebrated her final years stocking the shelves of her mind with Bible truths, and sharing hope and encouragement with nearly anyone who had an ear. Visitors to her apartment were customarily treated to a Gospel music fest.  She played her organ for everyone and invited all to bring their musical instruments.  Throughout the day, wafting from her open windows could be heard the delightful sound of a harmonica, an accordion melody, perhaps a guitar accompaniment, and Mickie’s organ.

They all came fully prepared to make a joyful noise unto the Lord!  Shortly before her 89th birthday, Mickie went to her rest.  Her apartment was a veritable treasure trove of no fewer than sixteen fully-marked Bibles, boxes of audio and video study materials, shelves laden with great Gospel music and innumerable volumes of Christian literature.

But beyond all question, the most astounding discovery, and the one that brought the greatest degree of joy and comfort in the midst of our grief, was a small note, stuck high on the door of Mickie’s refrigerator – slash – “bulletin board” … right   where she  knew it would  be  found.  In her text-book neat handwriting, it read simply, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith'”.  Mickie had turned the page, had built on the Rock, had committed all to Him and trusted in His promises.  And I believe that her note was intended to assure all of us who knew her and loved her that her reservation for God’s Kingdom was secure.

So, when we meet again in the Earth-Made-New, we have to get together at Mickie’s place.  Everyone is invited.  And, please –  you’ll want to bring that ukulele and be prepared for a most glorious Gospel music jam!

The most compelling evidence of the power of God is a changed life.  And by

 beholding Him, as He is revealed in His Beloved Son, we become transformed

into His likeness.