Chapter 1 – KNOWING GOD

The Ancient Greek philosopher, Aesop, was renowned for his colorful stories, such as The Fox and the Grapes and The Tortoise and the Hare, and their memorable life-lessons.  A particular favorite of Mr. Aesop’s, Androcles and the Lion, was set in a time of cruel persecution of the early Christian Church, when many of GOD’s faithful were mercilessly thrown to underfed, ill-tempered lions. Although Aesop’s story is fictitious, it serves to illustrate the value of our establishing beforehand a trusting, personal relationship with someone with whom we will ultimately have a reckoning.

Mr. Aesop’s story unfolds something like this:

A Christian slave named Androcles had escaped from his master and fled into the forest. As he was wandering in search of shelter, he came upon a lion, lying on the ground, moaning and groaning.

Startled, Androcles initially turned to flee, but seeing that the lion did not pursue him, he turned back and cautiously re-approached the suffering creature.  As Androcles drew near, he quickly observed that the lion’s paw was bleeding and swollen, with a huge thorn embedded between his pads.

The lion held out his paw and Androcles gently extracted the thorn, then bound up the wound.   Presently, the big cat was able to rise to his feet, and licked the hand of his benefactor. Then the lion led Androcles to the refuge of his cave, and each day thereafter, the lion would bring his new friend, Androcles, things to eat as he hunted for his own food.

But one day while the lion was on the prowl for food, Androcles was captured by the Roman authorities and, as was often the punishment for a runaway slave, Androcles was sentenced to be thrown to the lions.

The Amphitheatre was filled to capacity, as the Emperor and his court came to view the spectacle.  A terrified Androcles was led out into the middle of the arena.   A large door across the arena was opened, and a seriously-angry, ravenously-hungry lion leaped from the shadows and bounded toward the trembling Androcles.

But as the lion neared Androcles, he ceased his roaring, then stopped in his tracks, as he recognized his friend.  Slowly, he walked up to the stunned Androcles until they were face-to-face. Then the lion rubbed his head on Androcles’ chest, and licked his hands.

The puzzled Emperor summoned Androcles for an explanation of what he had just witnessed.  So, Androcles related to the Emperor his entire, incredible story; whereupon the slave was pardoned and set free, and the lion was returned to his forest home.

This may be only a fable, but it nevertheless fleshes out a vital life lesson.  The terrified Androcles must have looked like a tasty hors-d’oeuvre, as the lion most likely had not been fed for many days. So, why didn’t the lion simply “snarf up” poor Androcles right there on the spot?  Well, that’s because they knew each other!   Having cultivated a reciprocating relationship prior to Androcles’ personal judgment hour made one humongous difference in his life – and actually for the lion, as well!

GOD’s Word reveals that all of humankind must face an Ultimate Day of Accounting.  The Apostle Luke testifies under inspiration in The Acts of the Apostles that our Father in Heaven “… has appointed a day in which He will judge the world in righteousness.” (Acts 17:31)  The Apostle Paul concurs: “For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive what is due him for the things done while in the body, whether good or bad.”  (2 Corinthians 5:10)   So, wouldn’t it be a capital idea to learn to know, well before that Day arrives, the One to Whom we must give a final accounting?

How do we begin to know someone?  We first need to start spending time together, learning about each other.  Relationships need time to build and grow. We talk and listen, watch and observe.  We begin to do things together like walking, sharing a meal, and maybe simply sitting, chatting, and enjoying each other’s company.  As we spend quality time together, we learn who our new friend is. What does she stand for?  What are his values?  Is there strength, integrity, and substance to his character?  Is she a “keeper”?  It’s a learning process that requires openness and time!

The Bible says our Father desires this calibre of a living, two-way, heart-relationship with each of us; a relationship in which He will reveal just Who He is and what He’s like. It’s one that He likens to the marriage relationship.  Have you noticed the many marriage references throughout the Scriptures which refer to the LORD as “the Bridegroom?”  (Isaiah 62:5) (Matthew 25:1-10) (Mark 2:19,20) (Luke 5:34, 35) (Hosea 2:19, 20)   He is the Bridegroom and His Bride is His Church!

When I was a young man, fresh out of school, I knew right from wrong.  I really tried to do what was right, and I honestly tried not to do what was wrong, but that was hard work.  My heart wasn’t in it, and it didn’t work well at all!  Back in those days, I was “doing church”.  I occupied a seat in the building and participated in some activities; but in no way whatsoever did I know my Father in Heaven.  I wasn’t even remotely acquainted with Him.

The Gospel of John, chapter 4, verse 22, recounts a most revealing conversation that Jesus had with a Samaritan woman at Jacob’s well, during which He frankly told her, “You worship what you do not know.”  This dear lady was accurately following the religious forms and rituals, although she possessed neither knowledge of nor acquaintance with the object of her worship.  Yo!  That was me!  Might that have been you, as well?

The Apostle Paul in his first letter to the church at Corinth counsels: “Awake to righteousness, and sin not, for some have not the knowledge of GOD; I speak this to your shame.” (1 Corinthians 15:34)   Is it possible to think we really know Him, only to deny Him when the heat is turned up?

Watch the Disciple Peter, under extreme pressure in the courtyard at one of Jesus’ trials that night. “Now Peter was sitting outside in the courtyard, and a certain servant-girl came to him and said, ‘You too were with Jesus, the Galilean.’  But he denied it before them all, saying, ‘I do not know what you are talking about.’  And when he had gone out to the gateway, another servant-girl saw him and said to those who were there, ‘This man was with Jesus of Nazareth.’  And again, he denied it with an oath, ‘I do not know the man.’  And a little later, the bystanders came up and said to Peter, ‘Surely you too are one of them, for the way you talk gives you away.’  Then he began to curse and swear, ‘I do not know the man!’ And immediately a rooster crowed.  And Peter remembered the word which Jesus had said, ‘Before a cock crows, you will deny Me three times.’ And Peter went out and wept bitterly.” (Matthew 26:69-75)

GOD wants us to learn Who He is, and to know what He’s like.  So, what are the benefits of knowing Him?  This is a fair question!  It’s OK to wonder, because GOD readily supplies the answers to many of our questions directly from His Word, if we will only humbly ask Him.  His counsel in Psalm 46:10 is “Be still and know that I am GOD.”  His desire is that we rest in the peace of His Presence, and permit Him to reveal Himself to us, just as He has promised.  His grace eclipses anger; His mercy surpasses disappointment with the children He has raised up to represent Him among the nations.  This is but a snapshot of Who GOD is.

In the first chapter of Genesis, we read that, “GOD created man in His own image.”  (v. 27)   However, we’ve fallen, fallen, far from that likeness, and GOD’s Master Plan is to restore His image and reproduce His character in each of us.  We should be zealous to learn of Him and what He is like, because He sent His Son to demonstrate for us His nature and His character, and to be our walking, talking, living Example.

 Our faith and service to Him should be predicated and grounded in knowing Him, which the Bible says is the very key to life.  Listen to Jesus’ words in the Gospel of John 17:3: “This is life eternal: that they may know Thee, the only true GOD, and Jesus Christ, whom Thou hast sent”.

Then, Paul cautions that Jesus will return in Judgment of those who know Him not. (2 Thessalonians 1:7, 8)   Why?  Because these individuals will have frittered away, squandered, wasted, carelessly dissipated a lifetime of opportunity to learn to know the One who lends them life and breath, and Who longs to give them a new past, and a future where there was none.

Let’s go to Matthew 7:22, where Jesus is telling a parable that takes place in the aftermath of Final Judgment.  Jesus says that many will then come to Him in that Day and exclaim, “Wait a minute!  We belong in there!  We prophesied in Your name!  We cast out devils in Your name!  We did many wonderful works, all in Your name!”   But what does Jesus say His reply will be?  “I know you not!”  (v.23)   We never knew each other!  There was no relationship between us.  His response will plainly be, “I don’t know you!”

Now, let’s put these Scriptural “ducks” in a row:

* Knowing Him  is essential to Eternal Life.

* Not knowing Him – neglecting the opportunities to learn to know

Him can exclude one from the heavenly Kingdom.

*And performing marvelous works, even those done in His Name,

is not an acceptable substitute for seeking and pursuing an

intimate, personal relationship with our Father GOD.

I never knew my father. He was killed in action during World War 2 at the prime age of 27, soon after I was born.  I knew about my father. I’d seen pictures of him. I’d heard countless stories from those who knew him, but I never met the man.  As a result, my earthly father didn’t seem real to me, which in turn stunted my understanding of a Heavenly Father.

Fast-forward nearly a generation:  I was a young man, maybe twenty. One evening, my mother called me into her room and handed me a thick pack of envelopes that were bound with cracked, dried rubber bands. She said, “I think you’re mature enough to appreciate this now.  Take your time.  Make yourself comfortable.”  Then she left the room and quietly closed the door.

As I carefully removed the rubber bands and opened the first envelope, I quickly realized that these were letters my father had written to my mother from the South Pacific.  Reading so carefully each of those brittle, yellowed pages gradually unveiled my father to me. The depth of his love for my mother, his bride; his hopes for me, his yet-unborn son; his concerns and passions; his plans and desires for when he would return to us, all came to life in my father’s epistles.  I studied them, re-read, and re-re-read them.  Each time through, I learned a little more of who this dear man was.

You know, this very same process applies to our gaining a first-hand acquaintance with our Heavenly Father.  We can begin to develop this personal connection by following the same blueprint, because GOD reveals Himself to us as we study His “letters” to us in the Scriptures.  In GOD’s Word can clearly be seen the extent of the Bridegroom’s love for His Bride, the Church (Hosea 2:19, 20), His solemn promise to return for her; His master-plan to restore all things; and His plan for a new beginning!

GOD is revealed thru His Son, Jesus, Whom He sent to us to demonstrate in real-time the true character and nature of the Father. Scripture refers to Jesus as The Word Made Flesh. (John 1:14)   In fact, Hebrews 1:3 says Jesus is the express image of GOD.  And when the disciple Philip asked Jesus to “Show us the Father,” He responded: “Have I been with you so long, Philip, and still you don’t know … If you’ve seen Me, you’ve seen the Father.” (John 14:9)   Now hide this passage deep in your heart: “GOD was in Christ, reconciling the world unto Himself.”  (2 Corinthians 5:19)

GOD is revealed to us also through the working of His Holy Spirit, Whom He sent following Jesus’ Ascension, for the purpose of guiding us into all of His Truth, and revealing things still in the future.  (John 16:13)   GOD is further revealed in nature, which is often called His “Second Book”.  By beholding the handiwork of a master craftsman, we can learn volumes about that person. The marvels of His Creation constitute an abundance of compelling evidence of His love, His power, and His goodness.

Job asks the question: “Can you, by searching, find out GOD?”  Is it possible for us to Google “GOD”, and thereby gain significant knowledge of any eternal value?  Should we seek Him in the Wikipedia?  Imagine my surprise when I found one evening, right in my own Bible, that the very capability to know Him is a gift!   Here it is:  The Apostle Paul’s prayer for the church at Ephesus was that GOD “…may give you … a spirit of wisdom … in the knowledge of Him.”  (Ephesians 1:17)   Through the prophet Jeremiah, God promises, “I will give them a heart to know Me …”   (Jeremiah 24:7)   Our loving Father is the consummate Giver!  Moreover, GOD’s gift of knowing Him is given not to the casual, the frivolous, or the curious, but to the genuine seeker.  GOD assures us boldly, “You shall seek Me, and find Me, when ye shall search for Me with all your heart.(Jeremiah 29:13)

Now, we’ll put some shoes on this: According to Scripture, we can come in sincerity of heart, with confidence, as Paul counsels, “boldly” before GOD in the name of His Son, and ask Him for the gift of knowing Him in the same way that we would know a caring earthly Father.

Do you remember in Gethsemane, when Jesus cried out to His Father, calling out, “Abba”?  Do you know what “Abba” means?  “Abba” is the

familiar form of “Father”, such as a loving child would use, like “Daddy”, or “Papa”.  He wants to enjoy that calibre of heart-relationship with each of us!

Far beyond merely knowing things about Him, it’s crucial to your eternity to know Him intimately, personally.  In the 33rd chapter of Exodus, verse 13, God summons Moses up to the top of Mount Sinai, where Moses asks of the LORD, “If I have found favor with You, teach me your ways, that I may know You, and may continue in your favor.”

There was one particularly interesting item in that stack of letters my mother gave me that evening.  On a clean half-sheet of paper, in pristine, textbook-neat handwriting, my father had composed a letter to me, his newborn son!  As I read it and savored it, I could hear the gentle voice of my loving Daddy, my Abba, speaking so softly to the very apple of his eye!

And so it is with the “letters” we’ve received from our Father above, written in His Holy Word.  Our Father’s letters likewise reveal the depth of His love; the strength of His character; the purity of His purposes; His desire to be with us through all eternity; His counsel for an abundant life until His return; and His roadmap to The Kingdom.  Listen for His voice when you open His Word and ask Him for the gifts of understanding and knowing Him.

Hear now with your heart: “This is the covenant that I will establish with the people of Israel after that time, declares the LORD.  I will put my laws in their minds and write them on their hearts. I will be their GOD, and they will be my people. No longer will they teach their neighbor, or say to one another, ‘Know the LORD,’ because they will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest.  For I will forgive their wickedness and will remember their sins no more.” (Hebrews 8:10-12)

 As you “dine” daily on His Word, insert your own name wherever GOD reveals His promises and His plans, because His letters and His covenant are intended for each of us individually, personally, as though we were the only object of His love, His providence, and His watch-care.

“And by this, we know that we have come to know Him … if we keep His commandments.” (1 John 2:3)   Obedience is the empirical evidence 1) of the continuing process of your transformation into His likeness, and  2)  that He abides in you, and is working His good will in and through you to others.  Your “tree” will begin to produce the sweet fruit of obedience!

Getting to know GOD should be your number one priority!

So, in these “perilous times”, who among us is not facing trials or difficulties?  Could you use an indomitable Friend?  One Who seriously knows how to rumble?  You have the consummate Ally and Ultimate Resource in your Heavenly Father, Who knows no peer, has no equal!

Are you facing some angry lions?  Feeling like Androcles, alone in the center of the arena?  Perhaps more like Daniel in “the Den?”  This same GOD who closed those lions’ mouths is very much alive and in business today!  He’s your LORD of Creation, your Redeemer, your Sustainer, the Rock of your Salvation, the Sovereign of the Universe, and … and  He wants to be your Master, your Companion, and your Abba!

Heed now the Prophet Isaiah’s counsel: “Seek the LORD while He may be found; call upon Him while He is near.”  Give Him your quality, priority time. Pursue Him earnestly in prayer. Seek Him in His Word, and invite His continuous Presence.  Speak with Him from your heart, and be sensitive to His promptings.  Most of all, be willing to walk in all of His counsel.

Our Father – Give me the hungering to know You, and the desire to serve you heart-to-heart.  In the words of Your servant, Moses, “If I have found favor with You, teach me your ways, that I may know You, and may continue in Your favor.”  In the name of Your Son, Jesus, I pray.  –  Amen